California SB-34

Posted on: January 19th, 2016

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At masterQueue we take Privacy, Security and Compliance very seriously.   The new California SB 34 legislation is complex and detailed with regard to any/all State of California related ALPR data that may be applied throughout the US.   We felt the topic was important enough that we proactively built security measures into our system so that any account that has ALPR data attached to it has the added protection of the Permissible Purpose screen and associated tracking and reporting to assist our clients’ in staying compliant to all laws and regulations.

Towards that, below is the new feature announcement email I sent to our customers –

To our valued masterQueue Clients:

 Effective January 1, 2016 the new California State Senate Bill 34 was passed (SB-34) which requires any user to authenticate permissible purpose prior to accessing any account where live or historic LPR data is noted anywhere within a given account. 

 As not every client uses LPR data, you may question why you are seeing this permissible purpose screen when trying to access an account.

 Please be aware that going forward any account that has LPR data associated within, even downstream by vendors, will be prompted to select a permissible purpose before being allowed to view the account.  It will also require re-authentication after one hour of no activity within any account.

 If you do not see the permissible purpose screen upon entering an account, it means there is no LPR data present anywhere in that particular account at this time.  However, if later LPR data hits this same account, then you would be authenticate the permissible purpose screen before being allowed back into the same account.

 Below is the link that will take you to Senate Bill No. 34 for additional details.

 As a note, if your account includes LPR data and you select “Other/No Permissible Use for LPR Data” you will not be able to access the account.

 You will need to select the option that best fits your companies need when entering the account.  However, if the LPR data was not purchased by your company, the best option to select would be “To locate/Recover vehicles that are securitized collateral under installment loans, lease contracts, or rental agreements”.   This will not allow you to see data that was not purchased by you, but will allow you access to the account.

 We understand that this is one extra step to access certain accounts, but keeping data safe and our customers’ compliant with all state and federal laws is one of the many reasons you have chosen masterQueue.

 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Department for further details.

We, here at mQ, know how difficult it is to juggle multiple projects while keeping up on key industry trends, new compliance regulations and possible State and Federal Legislature and how it all may or may not apply to us.

We are always looking for ways for mQ to make your job easier and keep the ever growing compliance laws and regulations manageable.  It’s for that reason that we will continue to make proactive changes when necessary and encourage your input in making mQ the very best it can be.

If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to reply to this post or send an email to

-Michele Kirby[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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