Archive for the ‘Industry Trends’ Category

The Twelfth Man of Debt Collection

Posted on: October 31st, 2017

The Twelfth Man in Debt Collections By Jared Kirby October 31, 2017   Listening to the noise of the Auto Finance industry could leave you stumbling in a few different directions on where your focus should be for Q1 2018.  Everyone says they’re an advocate of stats and metrics, but most tend to stay away […]

How Technology can change the Auto Finance Industry

Posted on: October 16th, 2017

How Technology can change the Auto Finance Industry By John Lewis October 16, 2017   The ability to utilize technology to increase your view into how people behave has never been more opportunistic. As we move into 2018, the auto finance industry is finally catching up to the need, and desire, to use Artificial Intelligence. […]

Big Government Moves into Debt Collection – Part III

Posted on: September 8th, 2016

Today the CFPB once again showed they do not mess around. They fined Wells Fargo $185m for creating a half a million credit card accounts without customer authorization. Wells and the Regulators have known about this for years, and over the past couple years Wells fired over 5000 employees as a result. The $185m was […]

Big Government Moves into Debt Collection – Part II

Posted on: August 30th, 2016

The proposed new debt collection laws released last month by the CFPB clearly states Dodd-Frank empowers the CFPB. They have “decided to consider issuing debt collection regulations that implement the FDCPA and other statutory authorities and that cover the activities of debt collectors and debt buyers. THEY’RE CHANGING THE RULES AND IT WILL IMPACT US, […]

Big Government moving into Debt Collection – Part I

Posted on: August 9th, 2016

We thought the CFPB would be rewriting the FDCPA, but with the release of the 117 page “SMALL BUSINESS REVIEW PANEL FOR DEBT COLLECTOR AND DEBT BUYER RULEMAKING OUTLINE OF PROPOSAL UNDER CONSIDERATION AND ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED” document on July 28th, it’s now clear they are just adding new language and new rules, still without an […]

2016 Compliance Must Have: Tracking via Technology

Posted on: May 26th, 2016

In September 1963, a young singer-songwriter-poet named Bob Dylan wrote an anthem for change. The last verse gave warning those who don’t keep up with the times and changes taking place: “The line it is drawn the curse it is cast The slow one now will later be fast As the present now will later […]

A senseless tragedy and a call for continuing education to our industry – Lenders and Vendors

Posted on: May 20th, 2016

Who’s responsible for this tragedy? It’s easy to blame the repo company, but what if they had an good employee who simply didn’t have enough training on how to handle these situations and he made a horrible mistake? What if he’d been working contingent assignments for a week with no income and he got to […]

They Want Your Name…Why This New Law May Keep You Up at Night

Posted on: January 22nd, 2016

When I started working for Chrysler Credit Thirty-Four years ago today, there were no rules centered around the acquisition of public record data, or how it was used.  The FDCPA was released in 1977, but I don’t recall hearing that term until at least the mid 80s.  The word compliance was not a part of […]

CA Senate Bill 34 ALPR Permissible Purpose for Privacy and Usage Policy

Posted on: January 19th, 2016

Senate Bill 34 ALPR Permissible Purpose for Privacy and Usage Policy

California SB-34

Posted on: January 19th, 2016

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